The pelvis is a part of the body located in the lower abdomen and between the two hip bones. Did you know that pelvic anatomy in men and women is different? Check out the following review. Human pelvis functions to support digestive and reproductive organs. In addition, the pelvis is also a connector between the upper and lower body. Although both have a pelvis, the anatomy of the female and male pelvis is slightly different. Human Pelvic Anatomy In general, human pelvic bones consist of hip bones, sacrum, and coccyx. Hip bones, consisting of three bones that fuse with age, namely: -Ilum. The largest part of the pelvis is broad and fan-like. You can feel the curve of this bone when you put your hands on your hips. -Pubis. Located in front of the hip bones close to the genital organs. -Ischium. It's also called sitting bones because most of your weight is focused on this bone when you sit. The sacrum is a triangle-like bone or curve formed by 5 fus...